2024 Seed Garlic Sale

In-person sales begin Saturday, September 21st

Fall hours: Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays: 10:00am - 4:00pm

In-person sales will continue during regular hours while inventory holds

Online sales begin Monday, September 23rd at 10:00am. Shipping is available.

Purple Stripe varieties (average 9 cloves per bulb) HARDNECK
Chesnok Red’ - Holds shape and retains flavor when cooked. Great choice for baking with a creamy texture. Produces large bulbs with easy-to-peel cloves. From Shvelisi, Republic of Georgia.
Persian Star’ - A variety from Uzbekistan. Pleasant flavor with a mild, spicy zing
‘Purple Glazer’ - An heirloom from the Rep. of Georgia with plump cloves and satiny clove wrappers.
Russian Red’ - Cold and wet hardy! This strain produces large bulbs with cloves that are easy to peel. Great storage

Porcelain varieties (average 4-6 large cloves per bulb) HARDNECK
Romanian Red’ - Cloves streaked and lined on buff brown background. Very good storage. Hot and pungent with a healthy, long-lasting bite. An excellent alternative to Music.
German White’ - Favored by Northeast growers, this old standard from Johnny's Select Seeds is now available. Also known as German Extra Hardy.
Montana Zemo’ - Developed in Montana from ‘Zemo’ of the Republic of Georgia. Reportedly little aftertaste when eaten raw.
‘Music’ - A favorite of Alaskan growers. Produces large, mild cloves. Sweet and substantial when baked.

Rocambole variety (average 8-12 medium cloves per bulb) HARDNECK
‘Killarney Red’ - Original seed came from Spanish Roja seed stock but was grown in the mountains of Idaho for many years where it showed improved vigor and better adaptability to wet conditions. Has the full flavor that Spanish Roja is known for with sweet undertones. A true garlic lover's garlic!

Artichoke variety (average 10-15 small cloves per bulb) SOFTNECK
All softneck seed garlic is ABG grown and proven hardy! Softneck garlic is valued for its shelf-life, which is typically greater than hardneck varieties.
Inchelium Red’ - Softneck variety that performs well in AK! Has a mild flavor that is great when baked.
‘Polish White’ - Standard softneck variety with large, reliable bulbs.

What is seed garlic?

Garlic that is grown with propagation (rather than eating) in mind is called seed garlic. While it’s exceptionally edible and delicious, it is grown, selected, and priced with the gardener/farmer in mind. A single clove of garlic is planted to produce one plant/bulb/head the following season.