A Guide to What’s in Bloom + Seasonal Color
Below is a weekly guide to what's expected to be in bloom throughout summer. This is not an all-inclusive list. Alaska’s summer is short, yet intense. There are many blooms to see beyond what's listed!
Note that plant names are not in italics due to the limitations of website formatting.
Please call us at (907) 770-3692 if you have specific questions regarding our displays and collections.
Early May
The forest begins to bud with dormant life after a long winter. Anemone transsilvanica (Liverleaf) is often the first bloom to arrive (look in the Entry Garden around this time) with Saxifrage and Primula not far behind. It’s amazing to see how quickly fresh greenery pops through the leaves and winter bedding once the snow begins to melt.

Saxifraga oppositifolia 'Florissa' (Saxifrage)

Anemone transsilvanica (Liverleaf)

Forsythia sp.

Primula denticulata (Drumstick Primula)

Primula elatior (Oxlip Primrose)

Saxifraga 'Whitehill' (Saxifrage)

Ribes (Currant)

Forest Growth
Late May
As the month of May continues, you find Pulsatilla patens (Eastern Pasque Flower), Fritillaria meleagris (Snake Head Lily), and additional Primula (Primrose) blooming.

Fritillaria meleagris (Snake Head Lily)

Pulsatilla patens (Eastern Pasque Flower)

Tulipa tarda (Perennial Tulip)

Vitaliana primuliflora (Alpine Primrose)

Soldanella carpatica (Alpine Snowbells)

Mertensia alpina (Alpine Bluebells)

Phyllodoce (Mountain Heath)

Epimedium x rubrum (Bishop's Hat)
Early June
Other noteworthy blooms first week of June: Iris reticulata (Netted Iris), Pulsatilla vulgaris (European Pasque Flower). Other noteworthy blooms week second week of June: Genista depressa (Yellow Broom), Meconopsis quintuplinervia (Harebell Poppy), Fritallaria camschatcensis (Chocolate Lily)

Paeonia anomala (Peony)

Trollius europaeus (Yellow Globe Flower)

Tulip Mix

Glaucidium palmatum (Japanese Wood Poppy)

Primula denticulata (Drumstick Primrose)

Papaver nudicaule (Arctic Poppy)

Iris pumila (Dwarf Bearded Iris)

Doronicum 'Magnificum' (Leopard's Bane)
Late June
Other noteworthy blooms third week of June: Pulmonaria sp. (Lungwort), Thalictrum 'Lavender Mist' (Meadow Rue). Other noteworthy blooms fourth week of June: Meconopsis 'Lingholm' (Blue Poppy), Digitalis (Foxglove)

Cypripedium guttatum (Spotted Lady's Slipper)

Meconopsis sp. (Himalayan Blue Poppy)

Maianthemum racemosum (False Solomon's Seal)

Saxifraga bronchialis (Yellow-spot Saxifrage)

Dicentra spectabilis 'Gold Heart' (Bleeding Heart)

Paeonia sp. (Peony)

Allium schoenoprasum (Chives)

Paeonia 'May Apple' (Peony)
Early July
Other noteworthy blooms first week of July: Lamium maculatum (Spotted Deadnettle), Papaver sp. (Oriental Poppy), Chamaenerion angustifolium (Fireweed White). Other noteworthy blooms second week of July: Dicentra eximia (Fringed Bleeding Heart), Draba nivalis (Draba), Saponaria (Soapwort).

Geum triflorum (Prarie Smoke)

Iris pseudacorus 'Variegata' (Yellow Flag Iris)

Meconopsis rudis

Papaver alboreoseum (Pale Poppy)

Veronica altensis (Speedwell)

Primula florindae (Tibetan Cowslip)

Rosa spinosissima (Scotch Rose)

Lysimachia punctata (Loosestrife)
Late July
Other noteworthy blooms third week of July: Campanula spp. (Bellflower), Peaonia spp. (Peony), Dahlias. Other noteworthy blooms fourth week of July: Androsace amurensis (Rock Jasmine), Arenaria procera (Sandwort), Draba siberica (Draba), Veronica 'Glory' (Spike Speedwell), Rheum palmatum (Chinese Rhubarb)

Arabis 'Snow Cap' (Rockcress)

Astrantia 'Ruby Wedding' (Masterwort)

Campanula glomerata (Clustered Bellflower)

Dracocephalum ruyschiana (Siberian Dragonhead)

Gillenia 'Pink Profusion' (Bowman's Root)

Lewisia pygmaea (Lewisia)

Hosta 'Francee' (Plantain Lily)

Lilium martagon (Turk's Cap Lily)
Early August
Other noteworthy blooms first week of August: Aconitum spp. (Monkshood), Hosta, Angelica gigas (Korean Angelica), Dianthus caryophyluss (Clove Pink). Other noteworthy blooms second week of August: Erigeron (Fleabane), Hosta 'Kim Botan' (Hosta), Anemone narcissiflora (Narcissus Anemone), Inula helenium

Eryngium 'Blue Hobbit' (Sea Holly)

Gentian sp. (Gentian)

Monarda 'Jacob Cline' (Bee Balm)

Echinops 'Veitch's Blue' (Globe Thistle)

Paeonia 'Kansas' (Peony)

Peony 'Jan Van Leeuwen'

Salpiglosis (Painted Tongue, annual)

Streptopus amplexifolius fruit (Watermelon Berry)
Late August
Other noteworthy blooms third week of August: Lysimachia (Yellow Loosestrife), Ribes spp. (Currants - red & black fruit), Thalictrum (Meadow Rue), Phlox

Astilbe x arendsii 'Amethyst' (False Spirea)

Borago officinalis (Borage)

Solidago (Goldenrod)

Lilium sp. (Asiatic Lily)

Aconitum 'Bicolor' (Monkshood)

Veronicastrum virginicum (Blackroot)

Hosta 'Gold Standard' (Plantain Lily)

Ligularia 'Desdemona' (Leopard Plant)
Early September
September brings changing leaves, mushrooms, and late season berries.

Allium cyaneum (Dwarf Blue Onion)


Bergenia cordifolia 'Bressingham Beauty' (Pigsqueak)

Acer 'Bailey Compact' (Amur Maple) (Fall Color)

Sorbus sitchensis (Sitka Mountain Ash) (Fruit)

Gentiana septemfida (Gentian)

Hydrangea 'Bulk' Quick Fire (R) (Fall Color)

Veronica rotunda (Spike Speedwell)
Late September
September brings changing leaves, mushrooms, and late season berries.

Viburnum edule (High Bush Cranberry) (Fall color and fruit)

Astilbe x arendsii (False Spirea)

Betula neoalaskana (Birch Tree) (Fall color)


Mukdenia 'Karasuba' (Mukdenia)

Picea 'Nidiformis' (Bird's Nest Spruce) (Texture)

Rosa spinosissima (Scotch Rose) (nearly black rose hips)

Symphyotrichum 'Goliath' (Michaelmas Daisy)
October marks the end of the growing season as Alaska’s plants and animals prepare for winter.

Lile's Garden in Fall


Acer pseudosieboldianum (Korean Maple)

Malus baccata 'Dolgo' (Flowering Crabapple)

Symphyotrichum dumosum 'Hein Richard' (Aster)

Greenery in the Rock Garden

Fall in the Rock Garden

Fall in Lile's Garden