Nursery Plant Sales
Plant Sales Kickoff date:
Saturday, May 10th, 2025
Purchase plants mid-May through September via our online shop or stop by the Garden and browse in person.
Monday - Saturday 10am - 7pm
Sunday Noon - 7pm
Browse a collection of annuals, hardy perennials, native plants & divisions from the Garden curated by ABG Horticulture staff:
Snag these plants at the following events!
Anchorage Home & Garden Show April 12th & 13th at the Alaska Airlines Center
Midtown Mall Spring Garden Show April 19th at the Midtown Mall
Plant Sale Kickoff May 10th at ABG!
Achillea Yarrow
Ajuga Bugleweed
Aquilegia Columbine
Aralia Golden Japanese Spikenard
Artemisia Silver Mound
Aruncus Goat's Beard
Astilbes Astilbe
Echinops Globe Thistle
Eryngium Sea Holly
Galium Sweet Woodruff
Geum Avens
Gypsophila Baby's Breath
Hosta Hosta
Iberis Candytuft
Papaver Oriental Poppies
Phlox Phlox
Sedum Stonecrop
Sempervivum Hen & Chicks
Thymus Creeping Thyme
Veronica Spike Speedwell
We reuse pots! Bring back gently used, clean pots that were purchased from our nursery.
We will only accept pots during our business hours and can only accept the following sizes:
2 Gal, 1 Gal, 5.5 in, 4 in, & 3.5 in
Please do not drop off pots outside of business hours.