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Health and Wellness in the Garden- Arthritis and Fine Motor Skills

Osteoarthritis (wear and tear of joint cartilage) and rheumatoid arthritis
(autoimmune disease affecting the lining of joints) in our hands and wrists is
fairly common, more so in women than men. Both cause pain, swelling,
weakness, stiffness and decreased motion.

Daily activities such as tying our shoes, turning a key in the ignition, gripping an
object and other fine motor skills may become increasingly difficult as we get
older, which may threaten our independence.

Gary Glatz, OTD, OTR/L, will discuss why we experience fine motor deficits and
what we can do to help counteract the effects.

Following Gary's presentation, participants will be guided through a meditative
and gentle walk in the garden, harvesting plant material to create a floating
mandala. Mandalas are used as a meditative and stress relieving tool and can
also be great tool for practicing hand-eye coordination and fine-motor skills.

Plants are our allies for healing!

July 11

What's in Bloom Walking Tour

July 14

Gala: Summer Celebration