Rooted in Community: Yarducopia's 2024 Initiatives and Beyond

Discover the wealth of free resources available to gardeners in Anchorage and Southcentral Alaska, and stay informed about updates on ACAT’s Yarducopia program for 2024.

Need gardening supplies? Curious about ongoing events? Craving more growing space? Interested in composting? Come and find out the answers to all your questions! If you miss the presentation or want to learn more, reach out to or check our website at


Nick Riordan Nick Riordan has been the organic gardening coordinator at Alaska Community Action on Toxics since 2019, where he has been working to support local gardeners and growers with access to free resources like the Midtown Garden Depot, Currant Affairs Newsletter, growing space at community gardens, and advice on gardening in Anchorage. Nick's latest gardening projects include stepping up as co-chair president of the Anchorage Master Gardeners club and designing Anchorage's next community compost facility to turn more of our grass, leaves, and manure into compost to improve Anchorage's soil.