Laura Walter 

Laura is a self-taught artist who after years of adventure while cooking seasonally for different crews all over the state, decided to stay home and create art full time. And create she does. Fused glass is her main medium but she has taken a liking to creating garden and yard art from rusty metal. Her work is often filled with whimsy and color.

“Every day I look out of my windows eager and inquisitive to see what is happening…  The colors of the sunrise on the mountains, the shadows on the snow, the birds at the feeder, the raindrops hanging on the birch branches, the flowers blooming… What is new? What is different? What is changing?”

“It is the same every time I open my kiln. I am excited and curious to see how the glass has turned out… Is it alive with color or dancing with images and texture? Did it work?”

“When I see piles of junk metal, I get excited and my imagination immediately begins to envision what fun things I can create. Other times, I will look at the scrap for a long time and then suddenly an idea will just jump up, hit me on the head and demand to be made.”

“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun.”  - Mary Lou Cook

Let the fun begin!


Laura Walter 

Whispering Bird Studio/Gallery

158 Whispering Bird Lane Bird Creek, Alaska 99540